"TELL me and I forget,
TEACH me and I learn,
INVOLVE me and I remember."
-Benjamin Franklin-
Mrs. Setterholm
There is NO other grade
I'd rather teach!
A little about myself...
I will begin my 19th year of teaching this school year
(I cannot believe how fast time has gone by).
I am originally from New York Mills...
(born, raised and a graduate from).
I hold a degree in Elementary Education, with a minor in Early Childhood Education and an endorsement in Kindergarten from Valley City State University.
I also hold a degree in Special Education, with concentration in the area of Emotional / Behavioral Disorders from Minnesota State University, Moorhead.
A couple of years ago, I earned my master's degree in Teaching, Learning & Leadership from Southwest State University.
I married my high school sweatheart, Bret...who is a 6th Grade teacher in Battle Lake and owner of Bret's Guide Service.
We have two beautiful children, Talyn (8) and Ainsley (5).
Plus a black lab, Drake.
I have to say that I DO HAVE THE BEST JOB IN THE WORLD teaching kindergarten. I Love each and every day I spend with your child in the world of KiNdErLaNd :)
My Husband & I
My Children: Talyn & Ainsley